Sai Stuff to Developers

October 29, 2013

Windows Store apps for Absolute Beginners with C#

Filed under: DotNet,Windows Apps — tosaik @ 8:12 am
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In this lesson Bob kicks off the series talking about the organization, required setup and goals of the lessons, and provides some motivation and guidance for getting started.   Resources C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners.
source: channel9

October 1, 2013

Launched New Technology Site

Hi Friends,

I have recently launched a new Technology WebSite .


About Developers Fusion

Developers Fusion is a place where the professionals can share their experience and views contributing knowledge to the developer’s community. A successful professional, learns, explores, matures and finally contributes.

The works with an idea, that has a big vision of bringing Technology to the cozy of your room wherever you are, and make learning comprehensive and exploring Technology real simple and easy.

We are dedicated in providing our Readers quality implementation, education, documentation and solutions. Our ultimate goal is to provide our readers with appropriate solution to their technical questions and needs. The personifies the passion for Software Technology, delivers power in the technology and the skills associated with it, and enhances the productivity of professionals who shape the software field.

The believes that it is vital to make learning Technology easy and effective and help its readers, technical breakthroughs in their future career along with other sessions that make them more informed about things that happen around them.

The Articles section lists articles published from different professionals enabling our readers to learn what’s new in the market and also the experience of the author. The FAQs section enables readers to prepare for answering the interview questions shot at them.

Our Vision

Bringing Technology to the cozy of every developer room wherever you are, and make learning comprehensive and exploring Technology real simple and easy.

Our Goal

Our ultimate goal is to provide our readers with appropriate solution to their technical questions and needs.


Hope all you make my new website a grand success by visiting posting and participating in forums etc…,



Sai Kumar K

Blog at