Sai Stuff to Developers

March 4, 2008

Introduction to Biz-Talk Server 2006 Part-1

Filed under: Biz-Talk Server,DotNet — tosaik @ 6:24 am

What is biz talk server? For this question a simple answer is Integration server, but what this integration server means,

why and where this integration server comes into picture.

Now a day’s business processing becoming so large and complex, because presently there are different kinds of

platforms, languages etc.., are using by different departments in an single organization or in multiple organizations. So,

the main purpose of business process is to interact with different departments and processes according to the information

in to specific result. But due to this differences between the systems which are participating in this business process

produces data in different formats, now we need some process which gets all this different formatted data on to one format

which is universally accepted one, Microsoft people came with Biz talk server to solve this problem.

 I will explain how this server solves this problem in my Introduction to Biz-Talk Server 2006 Part-2 soonly…
Thank you .

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